Friday, November 21, 2008

"Post"al Service 6: Ham-Ophelia

I do not personally think Hamlet slept with Ophelia. However some of the text shows a possibility that he either did or tried to. For instance when he said "i used to love you," that is a major possibility. of course seeing how its shakespeare, that could be twisted into a sick whorey type love where he seduced her with his poopy socks, but i dont know. theres just not enough text to support it.

in conclusion, no

Monday, October 20, 2008

"Post"al Service 5: Senior Quote

"The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic."
-Joseph Stalin

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Post"al Service 4: American Pie

-God and the Universe

  • God is in control of the universe. "do you have faith in God above."
  • Yes. God created it

-Humanity and Identity

  • looking for happiness or looking for "the music"
  • Dual
  • same as our world now. God still has the majority power. "three men i admire most: the father, son, and the holy ghost, they caught the last train for the coast."

-Conflict and Suffering

  • "girl who sang the blues....asked her for some happy news....smiled and turned away."
  • flawed because "the church bells all were broken"

-Hope and Redemption

  • "Can music save your mortal soul."
  • "A generation lost in space with no time left to start again."

-Values and Relationships

  • "them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye"
  • we prize the music, however if the music dies then we are hopeless

-Truth and Knowledge and Reality

  • "Satan laughing with delight the day the music died"
  • reality is that the music has died and all hope is gone.

The worldview of American Pie is secular humanist because the people rely on the music as their god. However it dies so they die because they denied God and believed in the music.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Post"al Service 3: W of Oz

Psyche!!! Yeah that whole me thinking the Wizard of Oz is a postmodern worldview was tottally a joke. :) Secular Humanism is the way to go. After todays class i've realized that Dorothy, the lion, the scarecrow, and the tinman portray that of a Secular Humanist.
-Dorothy wanted to go home
-the lion wanted courage
-tinman wanted courage
-scarecrow wanted a brain
They went on the journey to Oz (a god) because they thought that he would supply them with there needs. However it ends up that he is not the answer to their problems at all. Ultimately they find everything within themselves. Therefore, a God or Oz is not needed to give them what they want, because they only need themselves.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Post"al Service 2: Oz

I beleive that the worldview of the Wizard of Oz is that of a postmodern. The story lines up with a postmodern worldview by telling of characters who are all on a journey to the Oz (God), each of them, with a different path. The lion, scarecrow, tinman and dorothy all have their own, for lack of a better word, religion. The postmodern view sees these "religions" all individually as right and equal ways to God (Oz). The problem with this worldview is it messes up truth and reality. All the religions cannot be true because then there is no reality.

"Post"al Service 1: Worldview

I think in order to seach for a worldview of a text you must search for the worldview of the author. Ultimately the text is the author. I would go about doing this by frist researching the background of the author. The background information of the author is a primary factor in determining a worldview of his text. If he is a postmodernist then the text would hold a postmodern view. Another aspect for looking at textual worldviews is to base it off of your own knowledge or compare it to you're own worldview.