Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Post"al Service 3: W of Oz

Psyche!!! Yeah that whole me thinking the Wizard of Oz is a postmodern worldview was tottally a joke. :) Secular Humanism is the way to go. After todays class i've realized that Dorothy, the lion, the scarecrow, and the tinman portray that of a Secular Humanist.
-Dorothy wanted to go home
-the lion wanted courage
-tinman wanted courage
-scarecrow wanted a brain
They went on the journey to Oz (a god) because they thought that he would supply them with there needs. However it ends up that he is not the answer to their problems at all. Ultimately they find everything within themselves. Therefore, a God or Oz is not needed to give them what they want, because they only need themselves.

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